Social Work Assessments

Apart from domiciliary care, we also carry out social work assessments on request from self funders.

Our Assessments

1. We complete person centred support plans/assessments and offer advice on brokerage.

2. Review of care plans.

3. Advice and support to complete direct payment forms.

4. Support to complete individual or personal budget assessments.

5. Trainings on safeguarding and mental capacity for carers and support workers.

6. Signpost to relevant agencies.

7. Support when sourcing for a suitable Care Home or alternative accommodation that can meet your needs.

Our assessments are carried out with care and respect to make you feel comfortable and at ease and are designed to help us formulate the best care plan for you.

Please call us on 0121 707 6252 Mobiles: 07483391335 / 07737297060 to see how we can help.