About Total Quality Care Services
Our professionals can make you feel respected, worthwhile and hopeful. You can build trust from the very moment you meet with them.
We will listen to you to enable us to provide you with person centred assessments/care based upon what you are telling us. We acknowledge that the individual is best placed to know what they need and how those needs can best be met. As a result our approach when offering services is totally person centred, giving our citizens independence, choice and peace of mind that they will be cared for with empathy, thoughtfulness, love, warmth, dignity and respect.
We recognise that the type of support that people want is not only confined to personal care nor is it homogeneous but that it includes domestic chores and is person specific. Our professionals are trained to start by finding out, through a heart to heart discussion with the individual on (families/carers included if available) what they want, how they want this achieved and the main goal as a result of the service provided. As an organisation, the emphasis is on getting a clear picture of how the individual wants to live their own life and then provide assurance that we have skilled professionals who can make those needs met.
Our golden question when meeting a citizen for the first time is: What would we want if it was us? for we believe that one garment does not fit all.
We Provide Services For: Older Adults, Physical disability, Learning Disability, Mental Health
Our Objectives
1. We promote independent living by enabling citizens to maintain the maximum possible level of independence through choice and control over their lives.
2. We ensure that citizens are able to complain without fear of retribution.
3. We provide personal and individualised support and where relevant we engage with families and carers as partners.
4. We respect citizens’ values, religion and cultural beliefs.
5. We recognise that citizens are individuals and therefore do not expect them to fit how we think they should.